Bible Study: Ezekiel 45:18ff

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What is said of the Prince and the people in v. ten can be applied to Jesus Christ and the Christian church. It also has application to the pastor as he leads the congregation in worship. Especially on festival days, traditional Christian worship can begin with a processional into the nave with a cross, representing the presence of Christ, which is then placed in the chancel. Usually, an Introit or entrance hymn is sung near the service’s start. During the service, Christ comes to his people through His Word and Sacraments and bestows his gifts of forgiveness, life, and everlasting salvation. After the service, the cross is carried out during a recessional. Christ goes with his people as they leave and perform their vocations during the week. He continues to abide with his people, who have been edified by God’s Word and fed in the Holy Supper. In that way, Christ can be said to enter and leave the church with his people. 
