antique box chest close up

Learning, Liturgy, and Life

It’s all simple, but it’s not easy. We are learning to guard all that Jesus has commanded us to defend. Speaking, singing, and praying to guard the gifts He gives. We live together with Christ in the life He gives through His gifts. Simple, not easy, but it is good.

nativity painting of people inside a dome

What, Why, and How

Why does the congregation at Sherman Center exist? So that faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins be received. Simple. And how is this faith given? It is given by the Holy Spirit working through the Word and Sacraments. And what are the Word and Sacraments? Namely, we preach Christ Jesus alone for forgiveness, life, and salvation. We declare absolution in Christ’s name for the justification of sinners. We baptize in the name of the Holy Trinity for forgiveness and new life with Christ. We deliver Christ’s body broken and the blood shed to forgive sins, strengthen faith, and increase love for neighbor.

hands of people reaching to each other


Trust is earned. Trust is built. This trust is accomplished only as the trustworthy WORD is proclaimed… “and we as children of God lead holy lives according to it. Grant this dear Father in heaven!” The Spirit working by the WORD keeps the pastor in the same WORD!