Church Technology Campaign

Upgrade our video production equipment to better serve our homebound members, to produce media resources for the congregation, and for outreach to the Random Lake community.

Our goal is to raise $12,000.
Give today and help us realize this bold campaign!

St. John Ev. Lutheran Church is embarking on a technology campaign with a view towards providing better video streams of Sunday worship, teaching materials for the church, and for reaching the community at large with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

After the COVID-19 lockdown, many now utilize the streaming video of Sunday Services and daily prayer. Video production has benefits for members and serves also as an excellent outreach. If produced at high quality, it could also be broadcast on Spectrum cable TV. This would be particularly helpful to minister to our homebound and non-tech savvy members. Video production equipment can also be used for other video production needs, such as producing online classes, a live online School Auction, or a media class elective for our students.

The proposal is to improve the physical layout in the balcony, adding high-definition video capture with multi-camera switching and overlays, and provide a more engaging video for those who have elected or must shelter at home. The priorities are better cameras, video switcher, and streamer/recorder.

An example of our current streaming video:

YouTube player

An example of the higher-quality stream from during the lockdown, utilizing borrowed equipment:

YouTube player

For those more technically minded, here’s the nuts and bolts:

  1. Recording at high definition for upload and broadcast
  2. Production-ready editing Mac for pastor study
  3. Consolidate all video related sources, switching, and distribution, replacing existing standard definition switcher
  4. Video switching with multiple cameras (lectern, pulpit, altar, and congregation) with Powerpoint overlay
  5. At least one PTZ (joystick-controlled) camera
  6. Replace mixer with digital unit that allows for our multiple workflows
  7. Restore video send (mirror stream) to friendship room for overflow
  8. Replace temporary furniture with permanent lower profile video desk and rack cabinets
  9. Add video and audio in the narthex for parents who have taken their child from Divine Service
  10. Increase broadband bandwidth for HD streaming
  11. Utilize existing hardware and cabling where possible