The Sunday of the Sower (02/16)

Within the liturgy for each Lord’s day, we receive the Word of God through uniquely appointed readings, psalms, hymns, and prayers. This week we will pray the Divine Service Setting Three (audio of this liturgy). The following guide will help you to prepare to hear and sing the Propers, i.e. the varied texts and hymns for this week.

We will also be blessed to have the children of our parish and school helping lead our song. Give thanks to God for their gifts and thank them for their service.

Scripture Alone

The Sower sows the seed of His Word (Luke 8:4–15). This Word is living and powerful (Heb. 4:9–13) to conceive new life in those who hear it. But the planting of Christ is attacked by the devil, the world, and the flesh. Satan snatches the Word away from hard hearts. The riches and pleasures of this life choke off faith. Shallow and emotional belief withers in time of temptation and trouble. But see how Christ bears this attack for us! Christ’s cross was planted in the hard and rocky soil of Golgotha. A crown of thorns was placed upon His head. Satan and His demons hellishly hounded and devoured Him. Yet, through His dying and rising again, He destroyed these enemies of ours. Jesus is Himself the Seed which fell to the ground and died in order that it might sprout forth to new life and produce much grain. In Him, the weak are strong (2 Cor. 11:19–12:9). He is the Word of the Father which does not return void (Is. 55:10–13) but yields a harvest hundredfold.

Collect of the Day: O God, the strength of all who put their trust in You, mercifully grant that by Your power we may be defended against all adversity; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


Introit: Ps. 44:1-2, 7-8; antiphon: Ps. 44:23, 25a, 26a
Gradual: Ps. 83:18, 13
Old Testament: Is. 55:10-13
Psalm 84 (antiphon: v. 4)
Epistle: 2 Cor. 11:19-12:9 or Heb. 4:9-13
Tract: Ps. 60:1-2, 5
Gospel: Luke 8:4-15


584 Faith and Truth and Life Bestowing Holy Manna

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823 May God bestow on us His grace Es wolle Gott uns gnadig sein

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921 On what has now been sown Darwall’s 148th

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652 Father, we thank Thee who hast planted Rendez a Dieu

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